Angler's Press News


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As many of you are aware, the ongoing inclement weather throughout northern California has caused many events to be cancelled in consideration of both angler safety and the residents of those particular areas.

We have been notified that the ramps intended for this weekend’s use during the Clearlake event, are marginal - at best, and will be closed until further notice due to flooding conditions (and continued water rising) at the ramp and in that general vicinity.

To this end, and after much consideration, the decision has been made to postpone this weekend’s event to avoid unsafe conditions, for both our anglers and the Clear Lake community at large.

We will be looking to reschedule this event as soon as possible and will notify everyone when we have a new date. If you have pre-registered for this event, you can roll-over your entry to the next event, or we will gladly issue you a refund.

Your understanding regarding this decision is appreciated, and we look forward to seeing each of you on the water very soon.